About Lexpedite
Jason Morris
Jason is a proud husband and dad of three from Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada.
He holds an LLB and an LLM in Computational Law from the University of Alberta. His Rules as Code research has been published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, and he has been invited to present his research at several international workshops on programming languages and law.
Since August of 2021 Jason has been working with the Government of Canada as the Director of Rules as Code in Employment and Social Development Canada, and then the Public Health Agency of Canada. As a result of his work in collaboration with the Canada School of Public Service, Blawx is now in use in several Rules as Code experiments underway across the federal government.
Previously, Jason was engaged as Principle Research Engineer, Symbolic Artificial Intelligence at the Singapore Management University Centre for Computational Law. Prior to that, he taught "Coding the Law" at the University of Alberta Faculty of Law as a sessional instructor.
In 2018-19 Jason was named an American Bar Association Innovation Fellow for his work on user-friendly open source software for predicting subjective legal issues. In 2020 Jason's software Blawx was named "runner up" in the American Legal Technology Awards Startup category. In 2022, Jason was named one of the FastCase 50.
Rules as Code
Lexpedite sees a future in which rules are digitized as rules, not as algorithms, by the people who understand them best. The human-language versions of these rules will better express their intent and better achieve their objectives. The digital versions will be an immensely valuable resource to improve understanding, administration, and compliance, where rules today can sometimes instead pose obstacles. The people who choose, write, and follow rules will be empowered to better serve their families, communities, and organizations.
We are not alone. Rules as Code has been a growing topic of interest, research, and investment over the last decade. The OECD has recently acknowledged it as one of the most important areas of innovation in the public sector. Advances in smart contracts are using similar approaches to a different kind of rules in private contexts.
We want to help bring about a world with just rules, that are fit for purpose.
Better Tools
Our role in achieving this vision is to help governments, regulators, regulated entities and others experiment with and learn about the best combinations of people, process, and tools for Rules as Code. Our focus is on the tools. We learn the best tools we can find, and we design and prototype the best tools we can imagine. Equipped with those tools, we help people experiment in real-world use-cases, share what we have learned, improve our prototypes, and repeat.
Easy Does It
We judge our success not on whether our tools could be used to learn about Rules as Code in the real world, but whether they actually are.
We also believe that we don't and can't know what the perfect Rules as Code tool would be. Only rule experts know that. And we can't learn from rule experts if they are not using the tools and giving us feedback.
So we believe improving adoption of Rules as Code tools by non-programmer rule experts is absolutely fundamental to improving anything else. Our guess is that the primary obstacle to adoption of Rules as Code tools by rule experts is that the tools are usually programming languages or software libraries that are difficult to learn. And the usual alternative of requiring rule experts and programmers to work side-by-side makes the process too complicated, slow, expensive, and error prone to be worthwhile.
That is why we are obsessed with using interfaces and technologies that make Rules as Code tools and processes easy, approachable, and maybe even fun for non-programmers. And that obsession with making Rules as Code easy is what distinguishes us from others in the field.